Friday, October 22, 2010

Parkworld Plot

VELS Domain: Science
VELS Dimension: Science knowledge and understanding
VELS Level: 4
Parkworld Plot is a game with a number of stages, each of which introduces students to basic concepts in physics, players then need to draw on these learned concepts to solve the “plot” at the conclusion of the game. An ambitious activity, it covers many concepts and employs correct scientific terminology and encourages students to apply the terminology to relevant situations. Student use of terminology, rather than simply exposure, leads to far deeper understanding of those terms for students (Dockrell, Braisby and Best, 2007).

The negative side to this activity is that it takes a while to complete, and you can’t save your progress – teachers may need to set aside a good amount of time for students to complete this as if they run out of time it might lead to them feeling less able than their peers. Self-stereotypes significantly impact on student motivation and approach to learning, as asserted by Seibt and Forster (2004), and not being able to complete this task in the allocated period could negatively impact students self-image. The importance of developing understanding of scientific concepts in conjunction with being exposed to the correct terminology is highlighted in the study by Dockrell, Braisby and Best (2007). 

Dockrell, J.E., Braisby, N., & Best, R.M. (2007). Children’s acquisition of science terms: Simple exposure is insufficient. Learning and Instruction, 17(6), 577-594. doi: doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2007.09.005

Seibt, B. & Forster, J. (2004). Stereotype Threat and Performance: How Self-Stereotypes Infuence Processing by Inducing Regulatory Foci. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87(1), 38-56. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.87.1.38

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